La mer d'Aral n'existe plus 2016

Mon cousin Thierry est parti marcher, il est parti 6 ans. Dans mon souvenir, il voulait voir la Mer d'Aral avant qu'elle ne disparaisse (dans mon souvenir) . Il a parcouru 17000 km de Valence dans la Drôme jusqu'en Malaisie. Je l'ai photographié à son retour.
My cousin Thierry left for a walk, he walked 6 years straight. In my memory he wanted to go to see the Aral sea before it vanished away, in my memory. He walked for 17000 km from Valence, our small town in France to Malaisia. The Aral sea became a small little point on his journey I took photos of him when he got back, here is a portrait.
